When the culturally protected House Zenner was taken over, it was barely soundproof. The windows and doors were crooked and did not close tightly. The single pane windows allowed a strong emission of the sound outside the venue. The environment and the neighbors would have been strongly affected by an operating club at this location. The very first sound-testings in the Zenner were quickly followed by complaints from the neighbors. A reduction of the volume to a level where it doesn’t affect the neighbors wouldn’t have made a music event possible in the Zenner. Therefore the Schallschutzfonds was activated to find an alternative.
To plan a sound isolation of the Zenner, several measurements and appraisals took place. These analyzed the problem situation and came up with specific technical solutions for soundproofing. In this solution-finding process it was of extreme importance to include the statics, the cultural heritage and the fire protection of the historic building.

View from the inside of the north-side before construction
The installation of soundproof glass in new wooden windows and terrace doors was the chosen measure to allow the desired sound volume inside the venue while not affecting the neighbors.

View from the inside of the north-side during construction
Thanks to the funded changes the soundproofing of the windows and doors was increased by 23 db – 26db.

View from the inside of the north-side after construction