Art Stalker

The event location ART Stalker of Rooftop ARTs UG (haftungsbeschränkt) in Berlin offers various events such as art exhibitions, live concerts or bar operations with up to 120 people on 180 square meters.

After the corona lockdowns, there were increased noise complaints from a new neighbor who had moved in but was not willing to talk. The operators have agreed a priority rental right with the property management for the apartment above the location. There are no official requirements and the relationship with the police is open and accommodating. Prior to the measures, the windows and stage area had already been insulated and there were restrictions on loud music and live music.

A total of 18 ceiling absorbers from t.akustik were installed in the event and bar area, while Basotect absorbers were fitted in the toilets. An open pipe shaft in the stage area was filled with rock wool to act as a bass trap. The emergency exit door to the courtyard was also soundproofed. An e-drum from GEWA was purchased in order to better control the volume during live performances. Finally, the windows in the event area facing the courtyard were insulated with facing shells and acoustic panels.

The measures implemented led to a noticeable reduction in reverberation in the bar and event area. Played and live music can now be played at significantly lower output levels. The use of the e-drums enables better management of the overall volume during live performances. Neighbors gave positive feedback about the reduced volume and confirmed that there is no longer any relevant disturbance from music events in the inner courtyard.

All planned measures were implemented and led to a significant reduction in noise emissions in the interior rooms and courtyard area.