Due to increased complaints from the neighbours, noise protection measures were necessary at the OXI Club. These measures were the basis for the operators to run the club economically, which is why they applied to the „Schallschutz Clubs“ funding program in 2020.
With the reduction of sound immissions, the goal of reducing complaints from residents could be achieved. At the same time, an improved listening experience was made possible for the visitors.
The following measures were implemented at the OXI Club as part of the funded project:
- Replacement of the speaker system with a system that can be adjusted more efficiently. This enables the same listening experience at a lower sound pressure
- Computer simulation of the acoustics indoors and outdoors
- Construction of further acoustic absorbers based on the simulation
- Improvements of door and window seals
- Replacement of the DSPs for exact control of the speakers
The measures were largely implemented by the Berlin company Audiophil Berlin.