RSO (Revier Südost)
RSO Berlin had opened its outdoor area in September 2020 and faced massive noise complaints until the introduction of the dance ban at the beginning of November. Before the sound system was put into operation, it was adjusted by the company Kirsch Audio and an attempt was made to keep unwanted emissions as low as possible in the low-frequency range by cancellation and directivity. Lütronic determined various immission points which were defined as decisive for our sound system and adjusted the level to these in accordance with all applicable guidelines.

Despite these measures and the proper adjustment of the sound system, noise complaints came from the neighborhood. This was followed by almost weekly follow-up measurements, which confirmed that the emissions caused by the sound system complied with the limit values, but the complaints did not subside. The environmental agency informed the residents that the sound system of the club did not exceed the legal limits, but this did not lead to a decrease in complaints.

The company Kirsch Audio then worked on a concept that improved the „active sound protection“. To achieve this, it was necessary to eliminate unwanted emissions over the entire frequency spectrum and to direct the sound, which was not really possible with the previous sound system.
Kirsch Audio recommended cardioid speakers for the bass and midrange. The cardioid bass speakers were arranged in 2 rows to achieve both lateral and rear cancellation, the rear cancellation is further enhanced by the arrangement in 2 rows and the use of the cancellation effect of the cardioid speaker.